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PowerPoint Presentations

You've seen tens of 'em, maybe hundreds or for the unlucky few...thousands. How many great ones have you seen?

Here's a very, very good powerpoint presentation from Matt Homann at The NonBillable Hour. There are many reasons it's good. A few points of excellence caught my eye:

Graphic images: They best convey emotion. Almost every slide uses powerful graphic images.

Font sizes: Varied from slide to side. Big enough to read without distracting you from the image.

Text: The author's kept the text and the content with each slide simple. It's an easy setup then for him to add his personality, emotion, power, passion.

Also from Matt, is a funny, spot-on video of How NOT to Make a PowerPoint.

As a result we have a 2-step plan for a better PowerPoint presentation:

Step 1) Look at Matt's powerpoint presentation. Emulate his approach with graphics and text and images.

Step 2) Look at How NOT to Make a PowerPoint. Make sure you avoid EVERY one of these errors.

There. Pretty simple. Put those 2 steps together and you can't lose.

Oh. Practice, practice, practice.

And that includes practicing with your web conference service. Make sure you practice your presentation, handling the slides, as you would with our web conference services. We'll even help you practice. Practice makes perfect with Web Conferences.

July 30, 2007 | Permalink
