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August Philanthropy: Rural Development Initiatives
Rural Development Initiatives is our customer philanthropy project this month.
RDI, Rural Development Initiatives, speaks to our heart for its work. According to its website,
Rural Development Initiatives is dedicated to helping rural communities and the organizations that serve them to thrive by providing a variety of award-winning services which enable them to develop sound plans, strengthen community leadership, and build appropriate skills and structure for implementation that result in increased community vitality.
RDI's services are focused on finding the needed capacity within a community that are needed to drive it revitalization projects forward. They do it by increasing the skills and knowledge of community's citizens, helping enhance collaborative community leadership and applying best tools for the the community's revitalization.
Visioning and Planning, Project Assistance, Organizational Development, Facilitation and Mediation are just some of the areas where RDI can help a rural community bring their vision to fruition.
They also offer a tremendous set of Resources and Links.
Supporting our customers engaged in philanthropy is just our way of Saying "Thank-You" by Helping Others which we started last year. You can read the list of customer projects we support this year in the post Corporate Philanthropy - 2007.
Donate, participate, educate. Get involved. Give a little something back to your community, to those who need a little help.
August 10, 2007 in Philanthropy | Permalink