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New Value-Add Partner: NewHire
Finding and retaining qualified people is a never-ending challenge for every organization. We've struggled to fortunately find great people dedicated to making our customers happy and our business run continue to grow.
We're confident you face the same challenge in your organization.
So I was pleased when Steve MacGill, CEO at Peersight Online, told us about Chuck Smith and his company, NewHire and their solutions for a cost-effective means to quickly find, screen and retain the best people for your organization.
After a few months of review and meeting with Chuck Smith, we think Steve's right. NewHire provides a solution for the number one challenge of every organization: finding and retaining talented people.
Steve MacGill and I aren't the only ones who rave about NewHire. Here's what one of their references said:
It’s not often that a business relationship produces value beyond expectations, but I had to write you to express my appreciation for the consistently excellent results we have achieved with NewHire…
And that was just one such testimonial!
I've never found such glowing testimonials for a service-provider before. The testimonials came in personal calls promptly delivered in response to my queries. They were from C-level executives and hiring-managers who called to tell me how NewHire had solved so many hiring challenges, done it promptly, saved them money, and how willing NewHire, from their CEO to their receptionist worked with them to find a solution for THEIR needs.
NewHire's Elements program insures you can find qualified candidates faster and with less cost. It uses their NewHire's Candidate Management Software to compile all the candidate responses into a single database you can screen, sort, filter, track...from anywhere, when it's most convenient for you. You'll be able to quickly find the most qualified candidates and THEN you schedule interviews with these candidates.
Makes sense doesn't it? ( Where was this program when we needed it? )
And with NewHire, quickly finding qualified candidates is the result of a simple, 4-step, process. It's built around their personal consultation with you to:
1) Create and Refine Your Job Description
2) Customize a Pre-Employment Questionnaire
3) Write Your Job Advertisement to Attract the Right Candidates
4) Develop & Implement a Media Placement Plan
Personal consultation to deliver a personal solution. It's what the best companies deliver. NewHire's one of the best.
And NewHire's agreed to a 10% discount for our customers who choose their NewHire Elements program.
Here's how to get started:
1) Visit NewHire's Website
(http://www.new-hire.com/newhire.html);2) Take their tour;
3) Read their Case Studies;
4) Then sign up for NewHire Elements' (with a 10% discount for being our customer)
a. Online at http://www.new-hire.com/nheccu.asp
b. On the phone: 877-923-0054 (If you hate filling out forms.)
5) Be sure to tell them you're our customer!
We're glad Steve MacGill at Peersight told us about Chuck and NewHire this summer. We think you'll be glad, too.
November 26, 2007 | Permalink
Lessons Learned from Podcasting
Brian Carroll, CEO of InTouch Incorporated, offers his Lessons Learned from Podcasting. It's a good article published by MarketingProfs. I like that he didn't delve into the esoterics of podcasting's technology. Instead he chose to the role podcast can play in providing customers or prospects or employees with:
... different information, in different ways, at different times during their buying process. The choices they'll make will depend on their role, their exact need, and the timeframe for solving that need.
One of the reasons podcasts are important is that they engage an audience or prospective customer in a way that other offerings may not. And if you have potential customers who are already listening to podcasts, why would you want to leave that offering out of your mix?
Exactly. Why would you?
His first tip to keep in mind is:
Know what you want to say and have a point of view.
So true. Podcasts are powerful addition to your plans to share your message...IF...you have something unique and interesting to share.
And his second is:
Be ready and willing to learn by trial and error, since podcasting is a relatively nascent medium.
And if you're willing to learn this medium then you're half-way home.
We can't help with the first point.
We can help with the 2nd point using our podcast service. You provide the passion; we'll provide the podcast. We can take your unique content and quickly turn it into a podcast for you, without your ever having to learn the podcast technology itself. Besides, what's the best use of your time: learning XML coding to create a podcast or providing your unique content for the podcast? We think the latter. If you agree, and you want to start podcasting, give us a call: 877-227-0611, ext. 3.
November 6, 2007 in Our Services | Permalink | Comments (0)